Astronomy June 2017

Item #ASY170601-C

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Find out about the epic number of galaxies in the universe (and how astronomers drastically underestimated it), a 3D map of the galaxy, and more.

Features include:

- Our trillion-galaxy universe: The previous estimate of the number of galaxies in the universe was a little off – by more than a trillion.
- Making sense of the exoplanetary zoo: A menagerie of planetary systems orbit other stars, but how did these structures arise?
- Mapping the galaxy one star at a time: Get ready for the big one: a spectacular 3D map of the galaxy.
- Moonwalkers and women scientists highlighted at Starmus IV: Norway’s famous festival takes place this month, showcasing science, music, and a celebration of life.
- Hot eclipse products: Viewing the eclipse safely doesn't have to break the bank.
