Astronomy August 2015

Item #asy150801

Astronomy August 2015

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Searching for the universe’s background glow
by Liz Kruesi
The cosmos is awash in the faint light of the extragalactic background. Where does it all come from?

A fresh look at Mars
by Jim Bell
Seven spacecraft continue to scour the Red Planet for signs of ancient water and conditions conducive to life.

Kitt Peak Observatory’s second chance at life
by Eric Betz
The next generation of mega telescopes promises to democratize astronomy, but aging national observatories must redefine their relevance to survive the revolution.

Finding our place in the Milky Way
by Alan Goldstein
Aristarchus and Copernicus were the first to challenge Earth’s position at the center of creation but certainly weren’t the last.

Witness totality from Indonesia
by Michael E. Bakich
A spectacular adventure awaits those who tour Bali and see the March 9, 2016, total solar eclipse.

Target asteroids with your binoculars
by Vincent S. Foster
Seeing small objects through small optics is easier than you might think.

Tour 10 fall binocular treats
by Phil Harrington
Take your binoculars to a dark site this season, and you’ll enjoy a night of easy observing.

Astronomy tests Daystar’s Quark
by Michael E. Bakich
Ease of use, extreme portability, and a great price make this Hydrogen-alpha solar filter one to consider.
Astronomy Discover