Astronomy December 2014

Item #asy141201

December 2014
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Five stars that could go bang
by Francis Reddy
Here's a rundown of some famous stars with explosive potential.

How Gaia will map a billion stars
by Anthony G. A. Brown
This European spacecraft is making the most detailed 3-D map of our galaxy.

Exoplanet systems illustrated
by Liz Kruesi
Scientists have found more than 1,800 exoplanets orbiting 1,100 stars. Here are the strangest — and the most common.

The golden age of radio astronomy
by Jacqueline Bilton
Antony Hewish never intended to become an astronomer. But secrets of the hidden universe he and his colleagues stumbled upon ended up earning astronomy its first Nobel Prize.

Target winter's best open clusters
by Michael E. Bakich
These 25 celestial treats will have you seeing stars — in a good way!

Chile: Visiting the astronomer's paradise
by David J. Eicher
This tour to the Atacama Desert showcased professional observatories and the finest skies on Earth.

Astronomy tests Celestron's NexStar Evolution
by Craig and Tammy Temple
This setup is as close to "grab-and-go" astronomy as an 8-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope can be.