Astronomy June 2004

Item #ASY040601

June 2004
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Chasing the shadow of Venus
Among the rarest of celestial events, transits of Venus have enticed generations of astronomers seeking to measure the scale of the solar system.

Reclaim the night sky
A night sky made bright by artificial light is a fact of life for most skygazers in North America and elsewhere. Yet if backyard astronomers work with their communities, it’s possible to combat this problem.

Genesis planet
Astronomers are starting to think planets, and maybe even life, gained a foothold far sooner than previously believed — perhaps less than a billion years after the Big Bang.

Does Mars have flowing water?
Dark streaks by the thousands run down the sides of valleys and craters on the Red Planet. Planetary scientists say they’re dust avalanches, but could any of the streaks be caused by water seeps or springs?

Viewing Venus in transit
For the first time in 122 years, Earth’s neighbor will cross the face of the Sun. Here’s all you need to know to view this exceptional event.

Amateur CCD discoveries
When the first CCD cameras for amateur astronomers were introduced in the early 1990s, great excitement followed. After a decade of imaging thousands of celestial objects, what have amateurs contributed to the science? More than you might think.

A visit to Mars Hill
The Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, offers something for the history buff and active observer alike. The exciting plans for the future of this observatory complement its renowned legacy.