NASA Missions to Mars

Piers Bizony
Item #81884

Explore the wonder of Mars with this gorgeously illustrated book that encompasses exploration from the beginning missions to the recently landed Perseverance and beyond.
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Beginning in the 1960’s space exploration of Mars by the USA and the Soviets created the Space Race. The Viking 1 and 2 missions as well as NASA’s rover program which includes Sojourner, Opportunity, Spirit, and Curiosity helped provide new information about the red planet.  This book details a complete history of Mars exploration as well as imagery from NASA archives. Future plans for Mars exploration as well as information of orbiters sent by other space agencies are included in this two-sided 24-inch gatefold.

The fascination with Mars can be dated back to prewar science fiction. The scientists and the missions that they’ve already completed have provided us unimaginable views of a planet 51 million miles away. This is a must have book for any space enthusiast!

Author: Piers Bizony
Size: 11.81" x 11.81"
Pages: 196