Discover June 2019

Item #DSC190601-C

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Special Section 

To The Moon And Back

The technological achievement and scientific value of Apollo 11 live on 50 years later. We reflect on that defining moment and look ahead to what's next.


Editor’s Note

Keep Dreaming

Curiosity and the desire to explore have always been in our DNA.


Connect the Dots

Eliezer J. Sternberg

A woman’s sudden mania, furious note-taking and other strange behaviors leave her doctors in the dark.


The Real Dragonglass

Gemma Tarlach

More than a prop for the Game of Thrones, obsidian plays a unique role in archaeology.


Digital Detox

Amy Paturel

A writer discovers how dependent she is on her mobile devices – and what happens when she ditches them.


Protecting Mars From…Ourselves

Nola Taylor Red

As human exploration of the Red Planet increases, is it time to rethink stringent rules about keeping it clean?



Gemma Tarlach

Have you heard of the International Foot? It turns 60 in July. We take its measure, and much more.

Astronomy Discover