Discover September 2016

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Earth has endured its fair share of extinctions over the past 4 billion years. They aren't freak accidents, and the culprit is somewhere in space. But do mass extinctions work like clockwork?In Turkey, archaeologists are uncovering evidence a Neolithic, egalitarian utopia. How did it all fall apart?

You'll also see how new technology is giving us fair warning for impending natural disasters, and how pioneering research is granting women diagnosed with cancer new opportunities to become mothers. Plus, we dive into a mustachioed medical mystery, primordial gravity waves and the science of taking risks.


Target Earth: The Next Extinction from Space
by Sarah Scoles
Do big extinctions come like clockwork — from space?

What Happened to Turkey's Ancient Utopia?
by Jennifer Hattam
Turkey’s Neolithic city of Çatalhöyük may have been an orderly society built on tolerance and equality — until it fell apart.

The Young and the Riskless
by Kayt Sukel
Teens tend to make rash decisions, and it all comes down to the brain. Adults could learn a thing or two from them.

How We'll Predict the Next Natural Disaster
by April Reese
Advances in natural hazard forecasting could help keep more people out of harm’s way.

Cryoresearch Could Give Cancer Survivors a Shot at Motherhood
by Katherine Kornei
Young women diagnosed with cancer face yet another challenge: infertility. Experimental research could restore their opportunity to start a family.

Astronomy Discover