Astronomy July 2017

Item #ASY170701-C

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Get Ready for the August Eclipse!

Explore the evolution of Mars, track down Pluto, choose an eclipse-worthy telescope and more.

- 19 big eclipse surprises: Be a hit at your eclipse party with this trivia.
- How to choose a telescope for the eclipse: The right rig will deliver on the big day.
- The past and present of water on Mars: Mars evolved from a lush water planet to a frigid desert … yet water persists there today.
- The cosmic bullies next door: How vast superclusters rule the tiny collections of galaxies we call the Local Group.
- Get ready for the next generation planet hunter: During its two-year mission, TESS should find thousands of exoplanet candidates.
- Is the Moon House an American Stonehenge? This ancient Puebloan structure may have been inspired by a pair of eclipses.
- In pursuit of Pluto: An 8-inch scope and a clear, dark sky are all you need to track down this distant world.
- And more!