Astronomy July 2013

Item #asy130701

July 2013
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Secrets of the brightest objects in the universe
By Liz Kruesi
Fifty years ago, scientists discovered that quasars — the centers of active galaxies — emit tremendous energy. Here's what they've learned about these extreme objects since then.
pg. 24

Is this our final century?
By Martin Rees
Human civilization's grip on planet Earth is more tenuous than you might think, argues Astronomer Royal Martin Rees. Our destruction could come from beyond the planet or from our own actions.
pg. 30

Astronomy's rising stars
By Karri Ferron
From studying our solar system to seeking answers to the biggest mysteries, these 10 young scientists could change how we see the cosmos.
pg. 44

Remembering Carl Sagan and Cosmos
By Raymond Shubinski
Half a billion people have seen the television series Cosmos. Through it, they met an incredible man.
pg. 52

Discover the ultra-violent sky
By Alan Goldstein
Even a medium-sized telescope will show you objects blowing themselves apart, stealing material from companions, and emitting huge quantities of deadly radiation.
pg. 56

How to hunt down Pluto
By Michael E. Bakich
Here's what you need to know to find this outer planet denizen of the solar system.
pg. 60

Astronomy tests Oberwerk's 45° 70mm Binocular Telescope
By Phil Harrington
Superb optics, high-quality workmanship, and interchangeable eyepieces make this product a winner.
pg. 64