4M Kidz Robotix Wacky Robot

Item #82435

Create your own wacky robot and learn about circuits with this 4M Kidz Robotix Wacky Robot.
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Create your own wacky robot and learn about circuits with this 4M Kidz Robotix Wacky Robot. By following the instructions included piece together the parts of the robot and use two AAA batteries to make it come to life. The movements of this wacky robot will definitely entertain, and its LED eyes will make it look like a walking torch!

– Includes two robot legs, 2 robot feet, LED robot eyes, adjuster clip, 2 legs joints and leg joint cover, terminal cap, battery case and cover, 6 flat top screws, 3 small screws. 

– 2 AAA batteries and small Phillips head screwdriver required

Age 8+
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