CMY Cube Motus - Mini

Item #82424

Experience the beauty of color through a new lens with this unique polyhedron, The Motus - the ultimate gift for the curious and the creative.

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Experience the beauty of color through a new lens with this unique polyhedron, The Motus - the ultimate gift for the curious and the creative.

The Motus is a special polyhedron called the Icosahedron.  With twenty equal triangular faces, each vertex of the Motus is formed by joining five triangle faces together.  It is one of the 5 Platonic solids.

Rotate the Motus just right and colors bend, the light catches the shape and merges color with color.  In a darkened room, hold it up before light to project a magical spectrum of color onto your walls and furniture; or please it in a sunbeam to illuminate your day!

Size: approximately 1.5"

Includes storage pouch for safe keeping.

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