Space Blanket

Item #81693

NASA developed the Mylar space blanket to reduce heat loss for spacecrafts as well as humans.
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This space blanket is made from a thin sheet of plastic that's been coated with an atomically thin metallic layer. As a result, it's an extremely lightweight blanket that is capable of reflecting up to 97% of radiated heat.

This material is commonly used on exterior surfaces of spacecraft for thermal control. NASA used this material to create the first passive communications satellite, a 131ft balloon called Echo II, and the Kapton space blanket gave the Apollo Lunar Module its distinctive gold color.

The compact nature of of this space blanket makes it perfect to toss in camping packs or emergency kits. 

Size: 51" x 82"

Material: Metallized polyethylene terephthalate


Manufacturer: STEMcell Science Shop

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